After too long of not doing much of anything to keep my mind and body in a state of peace and tranquility (and fitness), I recently went back to the gym and *praise dance* to YOGA! Oh Namaste how I've missed thee. For any return guests, you'll remember--or I'll remind you--that I was smitten with this little hippy yoga studio back in the day when I was a law student just trying to make it out into the real world. Well, I got an UNLIMITED pass to this little place for March and found an AMAZING Monday night class.
I get that you might not be able to appreciate the wonderfulness that is yoga if you're not a wanna-be hippy like me...or if you've never done yoga. But this class is so legit. For the last two weeks I've walked out of there feeling taller, lighter (mentally) and, dare I say, more limber?
Last week we used this strange wall contraption...
...and this week we practiced hand stands and splits. I'm definitely, probably an inch taller. Don't worry about it.
SN: Was looking for pics of splits and found these:
I NEED TO LEARN THESE. I think I will practice these before bed.
Side SN: I legit looked for pics of black yogis... but apparently I'm the only black person who does yoga?
Anyway doe... I'm back on this "sick body" thing, so you may be seeing more from me soon. Hopefully it will be interesting. Potentially it will be personal...maybe...probably not. But I mean, there will probably be pics of me...and what I eat... and women's body's that I want... so I mean check back and see?
k bye..