Intellectual Properties

Life is all about balance.  I need to balance my intellect with some creativity.  I was dismayed to discover last year that my Myers-Briggs personality type has changed from an INTJ to an ISTJ.  So now I'm ALL of the boring traits--no offense to any ISTJs out there.  Anyway, my solution is reading more novels.  For accountability purposes, and because I love lists--see the About Me page--I am going to list all of the novels I read this year.

UPDATE:  3/14/2011 Apparently reading worked... or something.  I'm back to being an INTJ.  #ftw

The list is short as of yet--don't judge me! This is about growth.

Have Reads
  • "Tar Baby" by Toni Morrison
  • Twilight
  • New Moon
Currently Reading
On Deck
What's your favorite book?  Or do you know of a novel you think I might enjoy?  Leave titles and authors in the comments below--don't be shy!  You can even post anonymously :)

1 comment:

  1. hehehe. I love the title of this section. :)
