About Me


I LOVE Lists.

Random List of Things I love
- Lists
- MUSIC (I cannot  believe I originally left this off the list; I live my life through music.  Seriously.)
- Black Shirts
- Nicki Minaj (www.twitter.com/nickiminja)
- Yoga
- Men
- Polished toe nails
- DRAKE (http://www.octobersveryown.blogspot.com/)
- Mindless TV
- Slate.com
- gChat/googletalk
- MY BLACKBERRY  My iPhone (yes I crossed over)
- The Dictionary.com App on my BlackBerry iPhone
- Words in general
- Mirrors
- Being Inspired
- Outrageousness
- People who are more creative than me
- The idea of being a vegetarian (but I'm not one)
- Bananas (Yum!)

My Neuroses

  • "Triangles taste better" (I didn't post this one, but I definitely agree)
  • Whenever I spread anything on bread, I have to spread it ALL the way to the edges...evenly.
  • When eating something that is prepared in a layerd fashion--ie a burrito bowl from Chipotle--I cannot mix up the ingredients.  Instead, I have to eat the item so that each bite contains a taste from each layer.  Seriously.
  • Outlining: no level can have a 1 without a 2, all typefaces need to be consistent throughout according to level: bolds, underlines, italics, and combos there of
  • I must use underlines, italics and bolds in my class notes and blog posts--MUST! 
  • I live my life in symmetry--anything unintentionally asymmertic drives me crazy.
  • Must signal before turning or changing lanes.
  • I hate lights on in rooms when no one is in them.  I seriously walk from room to room turning the lights on and off.  I get especially irritated if I come home at the end of the day and find that I have left a light on.
There are more neuroses... check back soon.

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