Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Maybe it's not true what "they" say and A little color goes a long way...

It's been too long since I've evidenced by the text I received last night stating "Update your blog."  And to that I say "you're welcome."... So here it goes.

First the necessary and obligatory Life Update:

  1. I Graduated from Law School...with Distinction.  Cum Laude FTMFW!
  2. As a result of said graduation, I now "Do What I Want."--- don't get mad if you hear or read that phrase innumerable times throughout the summer and possibly throughout the rest of my life. I've earned the right to say it so yeah....
  3. Although somewhat extremely counterintuitive, I am currently living staying with my grandmother while studying for the N.C. Bar--PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A TEMPORARY ARRANGEMENT AS I HAVE PLANS TO MOVE ON SEPT 1.  Also, don't let #3 confuse you as to the statement referenced in #2--that statement still applies :).
  4. I'm taking BarBri to study for the Bar.  It sucks.  But you know me, I try to keep a positive outlook and so to that I say: At least I already know 50% of what I'm supposed to know for the MBE? O_o.  And that is all I have to say about that.
Ok, now that that's out of the way....

I took a brief hiatus from working out during the week prior to graduation and resumed said exercise last week by attending a Kickboxing class followed by a class called "Hardcore" at the Gold's Gym near my current residence.  Ummm let's just say I found the classes to be sub-standard, which leads to my conclusion that maybe it's NOT true what they say about "trying new things."  Kickboxing was fun, and I suppose a good transition back into working out from being lazy...but I wasn't sore the next day and I hadn't worked out in a WEEK!  Definitely should have been feeling something.  In any event, it made me think that taking up boxing doing boxing-inspired exercises might be fun way to get in wicked-awesome shape for my trip to Miami.  (I say boxing inspired, because there's no way in HELL I'm going to actually box someone.

And as for "Hardcore"...well most people in the class had soft cores--also known as jelly bellies.  Now I don't mean to be rude but, WTF O_o?  If I'm coming to a class thats supposed to give me a hard core, and all of the attendees have no such core, I mean, that just makes me feel like something isn't right.  So yeah... wasn't thrilled with those classes.

But in Gold's defense, took a class called TBT--Total Body Toning--this past Saturday and it was AMAZING.  Maybe I was mostly enthralled with the instructor--an 80-ish-year-old woman in dance leotard and tights.  But don't be fooled, this woman was THE BOMB.  She told me she would help me "design my body," she was super hands-on and made sure I did all of the exercises correctly.  I can't even describe the nature of the class--we didn't use weights but the focus was non-cardiovascular, strength and toning.  I definitely plan to incorporate that class into my routine a few times a week (until my Golds vistor pass runs out, then I'm off to the Rush to use the FREE MONTH I won at the DVAC raffle a few months back.  FTW!) an aside--I really miss yoga classes.  I need to get back into one ASAP.  

In other news, I don't know what the weather is like where you live, but where I live, it's kind of like summer--when it's not raining.  And summer=pool=TAN!  I have been in dire need of some bronzing that doesn't come from a powder, and I finally got some sun!  Ok, if I'm being honest, I have been working on my tan for a while now, with two trips to the beach prior to and right after school ended.  

In any event, I think my new darker hue definitely accentuates the "work" I've been doing to try to get a "sick bod".  Look:

  ...and yes, I am still working toward my fitness goals: -5% body fat.  I haven't taken my body fat measurement lately, so I don't have an update on that.  Coming soon I guess?... Let's be honest, it may take a while :)

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