Thursday, April 8, 2010

...another fitness blog

So I'm doing this work-out thing. You know, trying to get in sick shape for... well just for life. Decided to blog about it because that's what all the cool kids are doing. We'll see how this goes.

So here was my proposed workout schedule for this week:
  • Monday: Skipped the workout (YIKES)
  • Wednesday: 8am -10am 40 Minute Run + 1 Hour BodyFLOW class
  • Friday: 8am-10am 40 minute Run + 1 Hour Yoga class
  • Saturday: Morning run--outside if doable
  • Sunday: 1-2pm BodyFLOW
I feel you judging me because I clearly skipped my workout on Monday--I feel like there was a good reason but I can't remember it now. 

Also, unfortunately my Friday workout will be less than proposed because I have to meet with a professor at 10am for a class that I TA.  So no Yoga.  DANG!  That blows my life because I was sooo looking forward to that class.  I have been taking lots of power yoga and BodyFLOW classes which I love because they get my heart rate up and are great for toning the bod in all the right places.  But I need to reincoporate some other forms of yoga because I want to improve my flexibility and poses.

Oh, so maybe you're wondering WTH is BodyFLOW?  BAM! Follow that link to enlightenment.  It's a great workout! A great addition to my iYogi repertoire.  See if they have it at your gym and try it immediately!

Ok, well that's all for now.  Hopefully I'll be back soon with more stuff to write about...oh and a better layout, some pics, more links, etc, etc, etc.



  1. I'm so excited you started a fitness blog!! :)

    Where do you go to Body Flow??

  2. Sorry, I am just seeing this comment. I need to set up some type of comment notification. But, yes...I go to bodyflow at Golds Gym on Reynolda.
