Monday, April 12, 2010

"You Look Extra Ripped"

Ok, don't really have time to be doing this right now... but I am anyway.  So it's going to be short.  Just two things really:

1.  One of my friends told me I look "extra ripped these days."  I take that as a compliment--my workouts are paying off FTMFW!!!  But in all honesty, I don't know if I'd consider myself "extra" ripped.  Most people probably would because, I must admit, I do have some guns on me.  But there was a time when I was super strong--back in college when I cheered competively.  In the interest of time, and because pictures often tell the story better:

Now: 2010
Moderately Ripped

Then: 2007
"Extra Ripped"
(That's me on the far left, BTW)

2. Today I learned about from Jill at  Perfect because my busy schedule this week has me worried about sticking to my workout schedule this week--which btw is essentially the same as last week.  I also came acrossed this gem on my fave yoga website--->Yoga Home Practice Guide on  Operation Sick Bod saved for the week! Nailed it!

Ok, I have what I hope will be an interesting, or at least informational blog planned for some time this week.  Hopefully I can squeeze it in.... And now that I've mentioned, I guess I have to make it GREAT!


  1. yes I would agree that these days you are moderately ripped or should we say tone... either way you are looking good for an older Chic:) Love it!

  2. You are ripped! And crazy ripped as a cheerleader!

  3. OH MY GOD you were (and still are) SO RIPPED!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to switch to your workout plan, forget Kanyes!
