Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Short and Sweet...

Some people might say the title of this post describes me...*crickets* Right. I'd tend to disagree too--I'm not SHORT!

Anyway, to get to the point, today has been AWESOME.  LOA ftmfw!  (F.Y.I. LOA stands for Law of Attraction.  I'll let you google "ftmfw" if you don't already know what that means :) )  I don't have a lot of time so I will spare you the play by play.  What I will say is that I was able to--or will be able to be before going to bed--check off every single solitary item on my to-do list for today.  That feels great, amazing, spectacular, etc, etc, etc.

I had a little trouble getting out of bed this morning--but that's nothing new.  But the morning run and work out definitely set the day off right.  Anusara yoga was amazing.  While practicing I really tried being attentive to my intentions--Muscular Energy (hugging the muscles to the bones) and Organic Energy (extending energy out).  My favorite pose in the sequence was this one:

"Vasisthasana (variation) " or "Wild Thing"

Practing this pose seemed to lengthen my entire spine as well as my sides.  It also reminded me of modern dance--which I LOVE

I had the most trouble with this pose:

"Vasisthasana" or  "Side Plank Pose"

I wasn't able to do the fully extended version like the chick in the picture.  Instead I practiced this variation:

I know, not quite as impressive.  But I am definitely going to work up to the the full extension of the pose.  I planned to practice this sequence again this evening because I thought I might be able to balance better when I am not coming straight off of a run.  Unforunately I don't think that's in the master's plan for this evening.  Although I will be practicing Sweet Surrender...again...for the third night in a row.  (Can you tell I love that sequence?)  I sleep so good after doing it, and I think it is helping with some chronic discomfort that I have in my upper back.

....Hmmmm guess this wasn't so "short and sweet" after all huh?

Ciao!  Off to check that last item off my to-do list.

Totally Unrelated:  Downloaded a new (to me) Drake Mix Tape this morning and found this gem.  This remake takes me back to sophmore year of college when this came out.

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